Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Pics

We had a great Easter Church, food at Mark's parents and Church again. Ella Blaire was all into the Easter Bunny this year!

The girls with our preacher and his wife.

Delaney and her girls. We have a lot more girls her age at church but these were the only ones around at the time.

My girls LOVE Mindy and Steadman or as Ella Blaire says Mimi and Stemin.

Hope everybody had a great Easter!


  1. Love the pics!! Ya'll look great, the girls are beautiful, and I really want to steal the flower/pin on your sweater! LOL!

  2. I know where you can get one Jenny!!!!! lol

  3. Thank you Jenny and as far as where you can get one let me know if you do because I would buy more if someone would step up production! LOL

  4. Tell me about it Lindsey! At least you got one!!! LOL

  5. pics!!!! We love them kiddos too!!!:)
