Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh Yea......Happy Birthday!!

So one of the things I get a big kick out of is whenever it is our Anniversary or my Birthday I love to not mention it to Mark and when he is about to leave for work and hasn't mentioned it bust him on it I have even went as far as to put an Anniversary card in his car and watch out the window as he finds it and lock him out so he can't come back in and tell me!! I love getting something on him. Well today is Mark's Birthday and as he had the door open to walk out this morning he tells me Happy Birthday!! UGHHH I had forgot but Hey I have a little bit going on now there are 11 people in my house right now OK!! Soooo Happy Birthday Mark I love you. You are a Great Husband and Friend!!!!


  1. girl, you need to kick some of them people them that they are in your personal bubble and hit the road

  2. HAhahaha! Lindsey you are just like me!!! That is so funny!

  3. Ha Lacey that's right and I do read your blog a lot by the way!!
